Post-Surgery Care for Facial Plastic Surgery

Post-Surgery Care for Facial Plastic Surgery

Facial cosmetic surgery may improve a patient’s health and appearance. People often desire to begin their cosmetic journey with the face. You can get Facelifts, nose jobs, eyebrow lifts, and eyelid surgery are just a few of the many cosmetic procedures at AZ Plastic Surgery.

Facial cosmetic surgery aims to enhance the patient’s facial features without altering their appearance. The patient must thoroughly understand the procedure, potential complications, and recovery time.

After undergoing facial plastic surgery, it is important to understand the aftercare process.

Listen to Your Surgeon’s Advice

When caring for yourself after plastic surgery, it’s important to do what your surgeon says. Here’s what you need to know about doing what your doctor says.

Follow Directions Carefully

Your surgeon will provide specific instructions on how to care for yourself after the surgery. Make sure you read and understand these instructions carefully. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to ask your surgeon for clarification.

Follow Your Prescriptions

Your surgeon may provide pain relievers, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory drugs to help you recover from surgery. Tell your surgeon right once if you have any reactions to the medicine. Use these meds exactly as directed.

Avoid Exercising

Your doctor will probably tell you to avoid strenuous activities after the surgery. This includes things like working out, lifting heavy things, and anything else that could stress the area where surgery was done. Follow these directions carefully to avoid problems and make sure you get better.

Maintain Cleanliness in Surgery

Your surgeon will give you detailed instructions to clean the surgery site properly. You must be very careful when disinfecting the surgery site so as not to do any harm. You may require saline, hydrogen peroxide, or other detergents.

Follow Up Appointments

There will be follow-up consultations with your surgeon to check on your progress and have any remaining scars or dressings removed. Keeping these appointments can let you know if your rehabilitation is on track.

Watch for Signs of Complications

Even though they are rare, complications can happen after plastic surgery on the face. Keep an eye out for signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, or purulence, from the area where the surgery was done if you have any of these signs.

Rest and Relax

Facial plastic surgery recovery involves a lot of rest. Here is some information to help you relax and rejuvenate during your healing.

Get Plenty of Sleep

Rest allows your body to mend torn tissues, decrease inflammation, and strengthen your immune system. After surgery, your body needs enough rest to recover fully. Get a full night’s rest every night, preferably eight hours, to speed up the recovery process.

Take a Break from Work

Returning to work before your body is ready might slow your healing process. To allow your body to recuperate properly, you may require time off work, depending on the nature of your profession. Just how much time off work you’ll need to recover from surgery will be outlined by your doctor.

Use Ice Packs

Putting ice packs on the surgery area can help reduce swelling and pain. Your doctor may tell you to use ice packs for a certain time after surgery. Ensure you carefully follow these instructions and don’t put ice packs directly on your skin to keep your skin from getting hurt.

Manage Pain and Swelling

Facial plastic surgery patients require careful attention to postoperative pain and edema management. Here is some advice on how to deal with discomfort and swelling while you’re healing.

Take Painkillers as Directed

Your doctor may advise you to take pain medication after surgery. You must tell your surgeon about any reactions or allergies to the medicine. You may also treat mild discomfort with over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

Avoid Heat and Sun

Don’t let heat or direct sunlight hit the area where you had surgery, as this can cause swelling and pain. Try to stay as much as possible in a cool, shady place.

Maintain Your Diet

In addition to medication, a nutritious diet helps reduce post-operative discomfort and edema. Fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains should all be staples in your diet. You should avoid processed meals and sugary snacks since they hinder the body’s natural healing process.

Watch for Signs of Complications

If you’ve just had plastic surgery on your face, you should be on the lookout for any indicators of trouble. Some warning indications include:

Extreme Blood Loss

Some bleeding is normal after surgery, but a lot of bleeding could be a sign of a problem. If the area where the surgery was done is bleeding, you should call your surgeon immediately.

Swelling and Redness

Redness and swelling of the face are normal reactions after facial plastic surgery. On the other hand, if the redness and swelling persist or worsen, an infection may be present. Call your surgeon if you detect any unusual swelling or redness.


Fever is a possible indicator of infection. A fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or greater necessitates prompt surgical intervention.

Nausea or Vomiting

Nausea and throwing up could be signs of a bad reaction to a drug or anesthesia. You should talk to your surgeon if you have any of these signs.

Difficulty Breathing

Having trouble breathing might be an indication of a serious problem. If you’re having problems breathing, you should contact your surgeon immediately.

Worsening Pain

Even though it’s normal to feel some pain after surgery, if the pain gets worse instead of better, it could be a sign of a problem. If your pain gets worse, you should talk to your surgeon.


Q: How long will the swelling last after facial plastic surgery?

A: Swelling is a normal part of the healing process after facial plastic surgery and typically peaks within the first 72 hours. It may take several weeks to a few months for the swelling to completely subside.

Q: Can I wear makeup after facial plastic surgery?

A: It’s best to avoid wearing makeup for the first few weeks after surgery, as it can irritate the incision site and slow the healing process. Your surgeon will provide specific instructions based on your procedure and recovery progress.

Q: When can I go back to work after facial plastic surgery?

A: The recovery time after facial plastic surgery varies depending on the procedure and the individual patient. On average, patients can return to work within 7-14 days. However, it’s best to consult with your surgeon for specific instructions.

Q: What are the possible complications of facial plastic surgery?

A: Although facial plastic surgery is generally considered safe, like any surgery, it carries a risk of complications. These may include infection, bleeding, scarring, and dissatisfaction with the results. Having realistic expectations and discussing potential risks with your surgeon before surgery is important.


Facial plastic surgery is a common way to make people look better and feel better about themselves. It means caring for the wound, dealing with pain, avoiding certain things, and eating well. However, following proper post-operative care instructions is crucial to ensure proper healing, reduce the risk of complications, and achieve optimal results.

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Dr Zain ul Abidin

Dr. Zain ul Abidin and his team of skilled and compassionate specialists offer superb plastic surgery services that are customised for each patient. They have received Membership awards from the most prestigious professional organizations within and outside Pakistan.