Neck Lift
Neck lift surgery in Lahore, Pakistan can be done alone or in combination with facelift surgery.
Necklift removes wrinkles and platysmal bands from neck to make a sharp neckline with good contour thus creating the more pleasing aesthetic appearance of the neck.

Double Chin Treatment in Pakistan
Double chin makes a person look bulky and older thus negatively effecting the facial appearance. Double chin liposuction is a cosmetic treatment that helps remove excess fats from the chin and submental area, sharpens the jawline and improves the overall appearance of face and neck.
While choosing the best neck lift and facelift surgeon, our surgeons Dr Zain ul Abidin and Dr Asma Ilyas are among the top 10 cosmetic surgeons in Pakistan.

Free Online Consultation
Types Of Neck Lift
- Necklift alone
- Facelift with a neck lift
- Dr. Zain ul Abidin & Dr. Asma Ilyas
- Qualified Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeons
Results: Firmer skin, get rid of loose skin, fat and loose muscle, say goodbye to wrinkles, lines and the turkey neck.
Great and confident look from every angle with your sharpened profile.
Look refreshed and confident.
Necklift Cost in Pakistan
Necklift cost in Lahore, Pakistan varies depending upon the type of neck lift, extent and type of the anesthesia given.