What Are the Most Common Plastic Surgery Procedures?

What Are the Most Common Plastic Surgery Procedures_

Plastic surgery, once a topic whispered behind closed doors, has evolved into a mainstream phenomenon embraced by millions worldwide. Whether driven by aesthetic desires, medical necessities, or a blend of both, individuals are increasingly turning to surgical interventions to enhance or restore their physical appearance. This article delves into the most common plastic surgery procedures, shedding light on their purposes, techniques, and the reasons behind their growing popularity. Join us as we explore the transformative world of cosmetic and reconstructive surgery and the procedures that are making waves in today’s society.



Rhinoplasty, commonly called a nose job, is a facial procedure that alters and enhances the nose’s appearance. Rhinoplasty surgery aims to enhance the nose’s look and functionality. To give you the most attractive appearance, the plastic surgeon may reduce the nose’s overall size or refine certain nose regions. At the Aventus Aestitetics in Lahore, we use the latest procedures to give nose job patients the best results. Our skilled plastic surgeons use various techniques to execute rhinoplasty procedures.



As we age, gravity, UV exposure, and other factors cause sagging skin, deep creases, and jowls. The facelift surgery aims to reduce facial and neck aging symptoms and restore a young appearance. The look of wrinkles and aged, sagging facial skin is lessened by a facelift. In this surgery, extra skin is removed while face tissues are lifted. Incisions are strategically made to minimize visible scarring. Patients can expect improvements within weeks and full results over months.

Eyelid Surgery


Eyelid surgery, also called blepharoplasty, is a procedure that rejuvenates the eyes and addresses problems, including droopy eyelids and under-eye bags, to improve facial appearance. The extra skin and fat around the eyelid are removed during blepharoplasty, and the muscle tissue of the eyelid is tightened. Our unrivaled attention to detail enables us to address excess wrinkles, correct volume atrophy, remove extra skin, and redistribute fat to merge the eyelid and cheek junction. As a result, your eyes will seem gorgeously natural and youthful.

Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a medical process used to improve the breasts’ size, shape, and general look. This extremely common procedure can be done for aesthetic purposes or as part of reconstructive surgery after a mastectomy. Breast implants come in various forms, such as saline-filled, silicone gel-filled, and structural implants. During a consultation, our surgeon will work with you to choose the optimum implant size, style, and insertion and placement technique for your body.



Liposuction is a body-contouring surgery used to eliminate extra fat that won’t go away with diet and exercise. If a patient wants to have a smaller frame or improve the shape of a certain body area, liposuction treatment can help them reach their goal. With liposuction, a patient can remove extra fat from specific body parts like their legs, thighs, hips, buttocks, waist, arms, neck, and chin. When choosing liposuction, people should evaluate their health, expectations, and the reality that it is a body-shaping treatment, not a weight loss option.

Tummy Tuck


A tummy tuck concerns removing extra skin and fat from the belly and tightening the muscles that support it to produce a smoother, more defined belly profile. People who have lost substantial weight or have loose abdomen skin due to aging are good candidates for this operation. The outcome is long-lasting, but you must still take care of it by eating right and exercising regularly. It is especially advised for those who struggle with extra and loose skin after childbirth or significant weight loss.



A neck lift shapes and rejuvenates the neck by removing extra skin and fat from the jawline. To improve a patient’s neck’s overall appearance, surgeons frequently tighten the platysma muscle along the neck during a neck lift treatment. It takes a few hours to accomplish this outpatient neck lift or platysmaplasty cosmetic surgery. A plastic surgeon makes a small incision under the patient’s chin, behind the ear, and all around the ear. The surgeon can also strengthen the patient’s neck muscles by removing extra skin and fat.

Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction

Many women have overly big breasts from birth, which makes daily activities uncomfortable and can lead to back, chest, and neck pain. A breast reduction can ease pain from bearing big breasts and assist posture.  Breast reduction is a surgical technique that lessens a patient’s breast size and weight by removing extra skin, glandular tissue, and fat from the breast. Our plastic surgeon is the greatest breast surgeon in the area and an expert in all breast and body surgeries.


Plastic surgery provides a variety of techniques to address aesthetic concerns while improving overall well-being. It is essential to do extensive study, speak with board-certified cosmetic surgeons, and have reasonable expectations before having plastic surgery. Individuals can choose their desired changes well if they know the procedures, potential hazards, recovery process, and expected outcomes.

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Dr Zain ul Abidin

Dr. Zain ul Abidin and his team of skilled and compassionate specialists offer superb plastic surgery services that are customised for each patient. They have received Membership awards from the most prestigious professional organizations within and outside Pakistan.